Check out the statewide WMA map here. |
Region 5 Contact Info: Wildlife Game Management - 229-430-4254 Non-Game Wildlife & Natural Heritage - 478-994-1438 Law Enforcement - 229-430-4252 |
Albany Nursery (Lawrence Pearce) - Things To Do: Hunting, Interpretive Trail, Bird Watching, Field Trail Access, Canoe Access, Horseback Riding. Note: Physically Disabled Persons Hunt for wheelchair hunters only. Hunters must apply by letter to the Wildlife Resources Division, 2024 Newton Rd., Albany, GA 31701 between Aug. 15 and Sept. 10 for deer hunts and between Feb. 15 and March 10 for turkey hunts. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Squirrel and Dove. Located in Dougherty and Calhoun Counties. Directions From Albany: Take GA Hwy. 234 W 11 miles; turn right on Tallahassee Rd.; go 1.2 miles to entrance on right. Albany Nursery WMA Map |
Chickasawhatchee WMA - Things To Do: 19,700 acres. Hunting, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching and Field Trail Access. Note: Only bucks with at least 4 points (one inch long or longer) on either side are legal. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Feral Hogs. Located in Baker, Calhoun and Dougherty Counties. Directions From Albany: Take Hwy. 91 south 4 miles to jct. with Hwy. 62; turn right and go 15 miles; follow signs to check station. Chickasawhatchee WMA Map |
Doerun Pitcherplant Bog Natural Area - Things To Do: 600 acres. Hunting, Interpretive Trail, Bird Watching. Note: Doerun Natural Area contains rare species and sensitive habitats. To protect these resources, vehicular access is limited to entrance road and parking area. No ATVs or horses are allowed on the area. Wildlife: Deer. Located in Charlton and Brantley Counties. Directions From Doerun: Take Hwy 133 S two miles; turn left at Natural Area sign. Doerun Pitcherplant Bog Natural Area Map |
Elmodel WMA - Things To Do: 1600 acres. Hunting and Canoe Access. Wildlife: Deer, Dove, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum. Located in Miller and Seminole Counties. Directions From Newton: Take Hwy. 37 north 8 miles; turn left on Power Dam Rd.; area is on right. Elmodel WMA Map |
Flint River WMA - Things To Do: 2300 acres. Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching, Horseback Riding. Note: Only bucks with 15" outside spread or 16" main beams are legal. Physically Diabled hunt for wheelchair hunters only. Each physically disabled hunter may bring an attendent (if needed) who may provide assistance but not hunt. Wildlife: Deer, Fox & Bobcat, Raccoon & Opossum, Small Game and Turkey. Directions From Vienna: Take Hwy. 27 to Hwy. 230, turn right; go 1 mile; veer left on River Rd. and go 6 miles to entrance sign. Flint River WMA Map |
Hannahatchee Creek WMA - Things To Do: 5600 acres. Hunting, Camping, Firearms Shooting Range, Hiking, Bird Watching and Horseback Riding. Note: All deer harvested Nov. 2-3 must be checked at WMA check station. WMA bonus deer tags will be provided on these dates; hunters should not record a kill on the deer harvest record. Wildlife: Deer. Located in Stewart County. Directions From Richland: Take Hwy. 27 west toward Lumpkin; Go 4 miles to 1st paved road; turn right and go 3 miles; turn left and go 1 mile to 1st dirt road on right; turn right and proceed to check station. Hannahatchee Creek WMA Map |
Lake Seminole WMA - Things To Do: 16,900 acres. Hunting, Camping, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching and Field Trail Access - Borders Lake Seminole near Bainbridge. Note: No hunting within 300 yards of a house, dock, building, or other structure, or a developed recreation area (i.e. beach, campground, boat ramp, etc.). Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum and Feral Hogs. Located in Seminole and Decatur Counties. Directions can be obtained from the Albany Game Management Office, 2024 Newton Rd., Albany, GA 31708. Lake Seminole WMA Maps: Dresser Tract - Fairchild Tract - Four Mile Creek Tract - Hales Landing Tract - Little Horseshoe Bend Tract - Ranger Station Tract - Ten Mile Still Tract |
Lake Walter F. George WMA - Things To Do: 1900 acres. Hunting, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Hiking and Bird Watching - Borders Lake Walter F. George, north of Fort James. Note: Waterfowl hunting permitted on portions of lake in Georgia, except within 200 yards of a public park, road, cabin, or other developed areas. Areas within Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge have separate regulations. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum and Feral Hogs. Located in Clay County. Location: This WMA consists of 8 different tracts of land that can be found at various points along the lake shore. Directions can be obtained from the Albany Game Management Office, 2024 Newton Rd., Albany, GA 31701. Lake Walter F. Georgia WMA Maps: Cool Branch Tract Map - Patala Creek Park Tract - Sandy Branch Tract - Tobannee Creek Tract |
Mayhaw WMA - Things To Do: 4700 acres. Hunting, Camping, Firearms Shooting Range, Hiking, Bird Watching, Horseback Riding. Note: Deer harvested Nov. 9-10 must be checked at WMA check station. WMA bonus deer tags will be provided on these dates; hunters should not record kill on their deer harvest record. No waterfowl hunting on MARSH pond on north end of Willoughby tract. Located in Miller County. Wildlife: Deer. Directions From Colquitt: Firetower Tract is 1 mile west of Colquitt on Hwy. 91. Willoughby and Oldhouse tracts: From Colquitt take US 27 North to first paved road; turn left and go 1 mile to Willoughby Tract and 2 miles to Oldhouse Tract. Check station is located near entrance to Willoughby tract. Mayhaw WMA Map |
Montezuma Bluffs Natural Area - Things To Do: 500 acres. Hunting, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Interpretive Trail, Bird Watching. Note: Only antlered bucks with 15” outside spread or 16” main beams are legal. Montezuma Bluff Natural Area contains rare species and sensitive habitats. To protect these resources, vehicular access is limited to boat landing road. No ATVs or horses allowed. Wildlife: Deer. Located in Macon County. Directions From Montezuma: Take Hwy. 149 north 1 mile to boat landing road; area lies along river bluff north and south of boat landing road. Montezuma Bluffs WMA Map |
River Creek, The Rolf & Alexandra Kauka WMA - Things To Do: 2600 Acres. Camping, Hunting, Check Station, Waterfowl Impoundment, Dove Field and Pond. Located in Thomas County. River Creek WMA Map |
Silver Lake WMA - Things To Do: 9200 Acres. Hunting, Boat Ramps and Ponds. Located in Decatur County. Silver Lake WMA Map |
Below, are links to 6 more Georgia WMAs - Click on blue links below for info |
Region 1 - NW Georgia Mountains WMA Area |
Region 2 - NE Georgia Mountains WMA Area |
Region 3 - Mid-Eastern Georgia WMA Area |
Region 4 - Mid-Western Georgia WMA Area |
Region 6 - Bottom Eastern Georgia WMA Area |
Region 7 - Georgia Coastal WMA Area |

GA Wildlife Areas:
Bird Watching
Public Fishing Areas (PFA)
Horseback Riding
Fish Hatcheries
Archery & Firearms Ranges
Range Rules
License & Regulations:
PFA Hunting