Check out the statewide WMA map here. |
Region 7 Contact Info: Wildlife Game Management - 912-262-3173 Non-Game Wildlife & Natural Heritage - 912-262-7355 |
Altamaha WMA - Things To Do: 29,300 acres. Hunting, Camping, Interpretive Trail, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching and Observation Tower. Note: Access to Rhetts Island at designated sites only. Camping restricted to designated campgrounds only. Refuges will be closed to firearms at all times, but open to hog and deer hunting during archery deer season and to rabbit hunting with bow and arrow after last Saturday of waterfowl season. Firearms deer hunting allowed only on islands west of Butler and Champney. All blinds, decoys, and other personal property must be removed immediately after hunt. Airboats are prohibited inside managed waterfowl impoundments. All roads and dikes are closed to motorized traffic unless otherwise specified. Rhetts Island is closed to fishing, shrimping, and crabbing from Sept. 15-30 and during waterfowl season. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum, Dove, Waterfowl, Feral Hogs. Located in Glynn, McIntosh, Long and Wayne Counties. Directions From Darien: Take US Hwy. 17 south 1.5 miles; check station is on the right. Altamaha East Tract - Altamaha West Tract |
Clayhole Swamp WMA - Things To Do: 5242 Acres. Hunting, Archery Area, Campground. Strea, and Information Kiosk. Located in Glynn County. Clayhole Swamp WMA Map |
Griffin Ridge WMA - Things To Do: 5600 acres. Hunting, Camping, Fishing, Interpretive Trail, Hiking, Bird Watching and Picnicking. Note: No ATVs or horses allowed on area. No vehicles allowed beyond designated parking areas. Check-In at Fountain Hole Camping Area. River access allowed. Camping only at Fountain Hole Camping Area. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum, Feral Hogs Located in Long County. Directions From Ludowici: Take US 301 south 2 miles. The area is on the right (north) of highway. First road south of DOT weigh station. Griffin Ridge WMA Map |
Little Satilla WMA - Things To Do: 21,200 acres. Hunting, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching, Field Trail Access and Picnicking. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Dove and Feral Hogs. Located in Wayne County. Directions From Patterson: Take US Hwy. 32 east 8 miles; turn left at check station sign. Little Satilla WMA Map |
Ossabaw Island Heritage Preserve - Amenities: 9000 acres. Hunting, Camping, Interpretive Trail, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching Note: Boat access only. Hunters are required to furnish their own transportation; limited docking space is available; some boats may have to stream anchor; hunter access allowed only at Newell Creek on south end of island; absolutely no other access is permitted. Hunters may check-in at 9:00 a.m. EST one day prior to the hunt; camps must be removed by 12:00 noon on the day following the hunt; no motorized vehicles or bicycles allowed; only permitted activities allowed; hunters are required to pack out all trash. Mail Adult/Child deer (by Sept. 10) hunt application letters to Wildlife Resources Division, Game Management, One Conservation Way, Brunswick, GA 31520. Apply by letter to same address for special hog hunts by Dec. 1. Hog hunt applications should include the same information required for quota deer hunts. List hunt dates in priority order. Party limited to 5 persons. Limited cooler space may be available during special hog hunts. Wildlife: Deer and Feral Hog. Located Liberty and Bryan Counties. Directions: Access only by boat; nearest ramp is at Ft. McAllister State Park, approximately 9 miles east of Richmond Hill. |
Paulks Pasture WMA - Things To Do: 16,800 acres. Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Field Trail Access, Bird Watching. Note: Camping prohibited on area. Horseback riding is prohibited during deer hunts. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Dove, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat and Feral Hogs. Located in Glynn County. Directions: Take Exit 36-B off I-95, follow Hwy 341 north 8 miles to check station on left. Paulks Pasture WMA Map |
Penholoway Swamp - Things To Do: 4269 Acres. Boat Ramp and Hunting. Wildlife: Dove. Located in Wayne County. Penholoway Swamp WMA Map - Boyles Island Tract Map |
Richmond Hill WMA - Things To Do: 7400 acres. Hunting, Boat Ramp, Fishing, Firearms Shooting Range, Field Trail Access, Interpretive Trail, Hiking and Bird Watching. Located in Liberty and Bryan Counties. Directions From Richmond Hill: Take Hwy. 144 east to Oak Level Rd. or Kilkenny Rd. and follow signs. Richmond Hill WMA Bryan County Tracts Map - Richmond Hill McIntosh County Tracts Map |
Rogers WMA -Things To Do: 3500 Acres. Hunting. Located in Wayne County. Rogers WMA Map |
Sansavilla WMA - Things To Do: Hunting, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Field Trail Access, Hiking, and Bird Watching. Note: No camping allowed on area. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Dove and Feral Hogs. Located in Wayne County. Directions From Brunswick: Take US 341 north to Mt. Pleasant, south of Jesup; Check Station is third drive on left after crossroads. |
Sapelo Island WMA - Things To Do: 9000 acres. Hunting, Camping, Fishing, Interpretive Trail, Observation Tower, Bird Watching. Note: Boat Access only. FERRY RESTRICTIONS: There is limited space on the ferry, so please limit the amount and size of your gear; PROPANE FUEL ONLY; Guns must be unloaded and cased for transport on ferry; No folding chairs or tables, ladder stands, bicycles, or excessively large boxes; Climbing stands are OK; Coolers are limited to one 48 qt. per guest or one 96 qt. per two guests.
Reservations for transportation on state boat for Check-In hunts must be made through the Sapelo Island Visitor Center (912) 437-3224. Reservations should be made as soon as possible AFTER receiving your Quota Hunt Selection Card. No reservations will be accepted until you receive your selection notice; Visitor Center Hours: Tues.-Fri. 7:30am-5:30pm, Sat. 8:00am-5:30pm; Sun. 1:30pm-5:00pm, closed Mon.; Stream anchorage may be required for hunters using their own boats; Hunter access is allowed only at Moses Hammock Dock at head of Duplin River. No motor vehicles allowed on island. Hunters may check-in starting at 9:00am one day prior to hunt. Camps must be removed by 12:00 noon on the day following each hunt. Departures and returns from deer hunting must be made from Moses Hammock campsite. Hunters are required to stay outside the boundaries of the safety zones. Hunting is restricted to the north end of Greater Sapelo Island and Little Sapelo Island unless otherwise indicated. FERRY RESTRICTIONS: There is lLimited space on the ferry, so please limit the amount and size of your gear; PROPANE FUEL ONLY; Guns must be unloaded and cased for transport on ferry; No folding chairs or tables, ladder stands, bicycles, or excessively large boxes; Climbing stands are OK; Coolers are limited to one 48 qt. per guest or one 96 qt. per two guests.
Wildlife: Deer, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Dove and Feral Hogs. Located in McIntosh County. Directions From Savannah: Take I-95 south to exit 58; turn left on GA Hwy 57; go 1 mile to flashing light; continue straight on Hwy. 99, go 9.1 mi. to Landing Rd. (in Meridian); turn left and proceed to Sapelo Island Visitors Center. Sapelo Island WMA Map |
Below, are links to 6 more Georgia WMAs - Click on blue links below for info |
Region 1 - NW Georgia Mountains WMA Area |
Region 2 - NE Georgia Mountains WMA Area |
Region 3 - Mid-Eastern Georgia WMA Area |
Region 4 - Mid-Western Georgia WMA Area |
Region 5 - Bottom Western Georgia WMA Area |
Region 6 - Bottom Eastern Georgia WMA Area |

GA Wildlife Areas:
Bird Watching
Public Fishing Areas (PFA)
Horseback Riding
Fish Hatcheries
Archery & Firearms Ranges
Range Rules
License & Regulations:
PFA Hunting