Check out the statewide WMA map here. |
Region 3 - Contact Info:
Wildlife Game Management - 706-595-4222 Non-Game Wildlife & Natural Heritage - 770-918-6411 Law Enforcement - 706-595-4211 |
Alexander WMA - Note: Special Regulations: No camping on area. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum, Feral Hogs. Located in Burke county. Directions From Waynesboro: Take GA Hwy. 24 east 6 miles; turn right on Harrison Rd.; go 1.5 miles to sign-in board. Alexander WMA Map |
Broad River WMA - Things To Do: 1500 acres. Hunting, Fishing, Canoe Access, Bird Watching. Note: No camping on area. Corps of Engineers campground may be used. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Dove, Feral Hogs, Located in Ebert county. Directions From Elberton: Take Hwy. 72 east 11 miles turn on Hwy. 79; go 7.3 miles to River Rd., turn right. Go 0.75 miles to sign-in board on left. Broad River WMA Map |
Clarks Hill WMA - Things To Do: 12,700 acres. Hunting, Archery Range, Camping, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing and Bird Watching. Note: Area west of US Hwy. 78/GA Hwy. 17 is open for hunting during statewide seasons only. Wildlife: Ferel Hogs. Located in McDuffie and Wilkes Counties. Directions From Thomson: Take US 78 north 10 miles; turn right on Smith Mill Rd. at WMA sign; go 2.5 miles to check station. Clarks Hill WMA Map |
Di-Lane WMA - Things To Do: 8100 acres. Hunting, Camping, Interpretive Trail, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching, Field Trail Access, Horseback Riding. Note: Only bucks with 4 or more points (one inch long or longer) on one side are legal. Bird dog training; Oct. 25-27. For bird dog field trials apply by letter to: Ray Jeffers, GA Field Trial Association, P.O. Box 87, Cedartown, GA 30125. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Feral Hogs. Located in Burke county. Directions From Wayneboro: Take Hwy 25 South to 4th Street. Turn right on 4th|Street/Herndon Rd. and go 10 miles. Follow signs to check station. |
Elbert County WMA - Things To Do: 2500 acres. Hunting, Boat Ramp, Fishing and Bird Watching. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Feral Hogs. Located in Elbert county. Directions From Elberton: Take Hwy. 72 east 5 miles; turn north on Pearl Mill Rd.; go 1.5 miles to area. Elbert County Beverly Tract Map - Elbert County Elbert Tract Map - Elbert County Heardmont Tract Map - Elbert County Pickens Tract Map |
Fishing Creek WMA - Things To Do: 2900 acres. Hunting, Camping, Fishing, Hiking and Bird Watching. Note: Saturday only during State Season on waterfowl impoundments. Call for info. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Waterfowl. Located in Wilkes county. Directions From Washington: Take Hwy. 44 East 12.8 miles to O’hara-Standard Rd.; turn right; at end turn left on Jones Chapel and continue to area. To Waterfowl Area From Lincolnton: Take Hwy. 79 eight miles to Midway Church Rd. and turn left. Go 1.5 miles to sign on right. Fishing Creek WMA Map |
Germany Creek WMA - Things To Do: 1200 acres. Hunting, Fishing, Bird Watching - Note: Boat access only. No camping on area; Corps of Engineers campgrounds may be used. Unauthorized motor vehicles prohibited on area. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Fox, Bobcat, Feral Hogs. Located in McDuffie and Columbia counties. Directions From Thomson: Access only by boat (Nearest boat ramp is Raysville Bridge on GA Hwy. 43 approximately 12 miles north of Thomson). The area is to the east of bridge access. Germany Creek WMA Map |
Keg Creek WMA - Things To Do: 800 acres. Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching. Note: No Camping on area. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Feral Hogs. Located in Lincoln and Columbia counties. Directions From Pollards Corner: Take Hwy. 47 west 2 miles. Area is on left side of Hwy. |
Oconee WMA - Things To Do: 4100 acres. Hunting, Camping, Interpretive Trail, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching, Observation Tower. Note: No fishing or hunting (other than ducks and geese, and archery deer hunting during statewide archery and Primitive weapons season) on waterfowl area west of Oconee River. Waterfowl hunting is prohibited on the Oconee River between Wallace Dam and GA Hwy. 16. Mail Adult/Child Waterfowl Application letter to: Wildlife Resources Division, 142 Bob Kirk Rd. NW, Thomson, GA 30824. (see Adult/Child Hunts on page 14). Located in Green County. Directions From Eatonton: Take Hwy. 16 east 14.7 miles to the Oconee River; proceed 1.3 miles to Georgia Power Company Rd.; turn left and follow signs 3 miles to check station. The waterfowl area check-in is on the west side of the Oconee River next to Hwy. 16. Oconee WMA Map |
Phinizy Swamp WMA - Things To Do: 1500 acres. Hunting, Fishing, Hiking and Bird Watching. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum, Waterfowl, Feral Hogs. Located in Richmond county. Directions From Augusta: From I-520 exit south on Hwy. 56 spur (Doug Barnard Pkwy.); go 0.5 mile to WMA entrance sign adjacent to Augusta Wastewater Treatment Facility; or from I-520, exit north on Hwy. 56 spur (Doug Barnard Pkwy.); go 1.6 milesand turn right on Gravel Pit Road. WMA is at end of road. Phinizy Swamp WMA Map |
Redlands WMA - Things To Do: 37,500 acres. Hunting, Camping, Archery Range and Firearms Shooting Range, Observation Tower, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching, Picnicking and Horseback Riding. Note: No hunting on Dyers Pasture MARSH pond.
Located in Green County. Directions From Greensboro: Take GA Hwy. 15 north 9 miles; check station on left. Redlands WMA Map |
Soap Creek WMA - Things To Do: 1000 acres. Hunting, Fishing and Bird Watching. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Feral Hogs. Located in Lincoln county. Directions From Lincolnton: Take Hwy. 79 north 4 miles. Area is right of highway. Soap Creek WMA Map |
Tuckahoe Wildlife Management Area - Activity: Hunting. Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Small Game, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum, Dove, Feral Hogs. Located in Screven county. Directions From Sylvania: Take E. Ogeechee 2.2 miles to jct. of Buck Creek and Brannen’s Bridge Rd., take Brannen’s Bridge Rd. 3.4 miles to jct. of GA Hwy. 24, continue on Brannen’s Bridge Rd. 5.2 miles to check station on left. Tuckahoe WMA Map |
Walton Pulbic Dove Field and Hatchery - Activities: Hunting and Bird Watching. Note: Bird dog training allowed Aug. 15-Mar. 15. Wildlife: Deer and Dove. Located in Walton and Morgan coounties. Directions From I-20: At exit 101, take Hwy 278 north 1.7 miles. Area is on left across from Wildlife Resources Headquarters. |
Yuchi WMA - Things To Do: 7800 acres. Hunting, Camping, Firearms Shooting Range, Boat Ramp, Canoe Access, Fishing, Hiking, Bird Watching, Horseback Riding. Note: Firearms Range. Sign-In at Check Station on Ebenezer Church Rd.. Camping in designated sites only. Located in Burke county. Directions From Waynesboro: Take Hwy. 80 east 8 miles to Shell Bluff Community; turn right on Hwy. 23; travel 7 miles south; turn left on Ebenezer Church Rd.; go 1 mile to Check Station on right. Yuchi WMA Map |
Below, are links to 6 more Georgia WMAs - Click on blue links below for info |
Region 1 - NW Georgia Mountains WMA Area |
Region 2 - NE Georgia Mountains WMA Area |
Region 4 - Mid-Western Georgia WMA Area |
Region 5 - Bottom Western Georgia WMA Area |
Region 6 - Bottom Eastern Georgia WMA Area |
Region 7 - Georgia Coastal WMA Area |

GA Wildlife Areas:
Bird Watching
Public Fishing Areas (PFA)
Horseback Riding
Fish Hatcheries
Archery & Firearms Ranges
Range Rules
License & Regulations:
PFA Hunting