Welcome to www.n-georgia.com Georgia Department of Labor Job Seekers Services - Explore Career Options. Plan Your Job Search. Choosing the right career and conducting an effective job search requires organization and a calculated effort.
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The following resources are listed in the order they might logically occur. Start with the ones that best meet your needs. They are not meant to stand alone.
Cope With Change - The one thing that remains constant is change, and change of any type may be difficult. Whether positive or negative, change may result in both emotional and financial stress. It may also influence relationships with co-workers, family, and friends. While you can't always control change, you can control how you deal with it. To handle change successfully, it is important to take measures to reduce stress and anxiety.
Get Started - The importance of a positive attitude, what behaviors keep job seekers from being hired, and what employers expect from job applicants are three things to consider when starting a job search.
BulletRemaining Positive, Chapter 1
BulletWhy Some People Remain Unemployed, Chapter 2
BulletEmployer Expectations, Chapter 3
Organize Your Skills - Skills are the foundation for securing a job within a career field. Learn to define and present skills, abilities, interests, and achievements to potential employers. Once skills are identified, appropriate job search goals can be set.
BulletSkills Identification, Chapter 4
BulletEstablishing Goals, Chapter 5
Know the Job Market - Prepared job seekers know the needs and trends of the job market. Knowledge of general and detailed labor market information including wages, occupational and industry trends, market conditions, and economic info contribute to a successful job search.
Learn About Education & Training - After identifying personal interests, abilities, skills, and exploring the labor market, additional education or training may be needed to reach career goals. Find out about education and training programs in Georgia, and sources of financial assistance.

Although the GDOL does not directly operate training programs, it works closely with partners who offer short- and long-term occupational training and education programs. Career Advisors can provide information about education and training resources that can help customers meet their employment goals.
Develop a Marketing Package - A job seeker’s marketing package includes an application that is completed effortlessly, a résumé that highlights accomplishments and matches skills and goals to the needs of the employer, and a personal business card for flexibility and convenience. These marketing “tools” are essential for a successful job search.
BulletApplications, Chapter 6
BulletRésumés and Cover Letters, Chapter 7
BulletPersonal Business Card, Chapter 8
Tap Into the Hidden Job Market - The majority of job openings are not advertised. Employers choose to use other methods including hiring someone referred to them from a trusted individual. Successful job seekers can tap into the "hidden job market" using such job search strategies as networking, informational interviews, direct employer contacts, employment services and use of the Internet.
BulletNetworking, Chapter 9
BulletTelephone Contacts, Chapter 10
Talk the Talk: The Interview is a sales meeting and a job seeker is both the salesperson and the product. What is said may determine whether or not an employment offer is made. Preparation is necessary to be the most outstanding candidate and the best person to hire.
BulletJob Interviews, Chapter 11
Keep Your Job - Specific skills are necessary to be successful at a job. First impressions show from day one. Practice job success skills prior to starting the job because there is only one chance to make a first impression.
BulletKeeping Your Job, Chapter 12
Find a Job - Use Georgia’s Job Information System (JIS) to search for job openings listed directly with the Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL).
Learn About Unemployment Benefits for Individuals - Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits is temporary income for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own and who are either looking for another job, have definite recall to their jobs within 6 weeks of the last day worked, or are in approved training.

The funding for unemployment insurance benefits comes from taxes paid by employers. Workers do not pay any costs. Eligibility for benefits is determined based on past wages, reason for job separation, and availability and job search requirements.

Claims for unemployment insurance may be filed at any Georgia Department of Labor Career Center. When filing a claim, you should bring:

BulletYour social security number. A claim cannot be filed without a social security number.
BulletEmployer-issued separation letter or notice, if one was provided.
BulletNames and addresses of all employers for the last 18 months and the dates worked for each.
BulletProof of immigration status if not a U.S. citizen.
BulletPersonal check with account number and bank routing number if you want benefits deposited directly into to a checking or savings account.
BulletClaims are effective on the date they are filed and are not retroactive to the last day worked.
BulletUse the GDOL automated telephone system, OLIVoR, to access additional information.
Find Veteran Assistance and Information - Veteran Staff in each Georgia Department of Labor Career Center are dedicated to serving eligible veterans (service members) or persons who need assistance finding work, transitioning into the workforce, building career skills, credentialing military experience and training, and accessing state and federal veterans' services.

These local veteran employment representatives (LVERs) and disabled veteran outreach program specialists (DVOPs) are trained and ready to assist veterans with their employment and training needs as well as to ensure the application of preference and/or priority services to veterans as prescribed by federal, state, and local laws.

Employment assistance includes intensive individual services including:

BulletCareer and employment counseling
BulletDirect job referrals
BulletJob developments with potential employers
BulletLabor market information
BulletJob search workshops
Bullet Résumé / application and cover letter assistance
BulletEligibility determination for special programs
Bullet Referral to training and/or supportive services
Bullet Information on veterans employment benefits, rights and preferences
BulletResources for changing careers or transitioning from the military to civilian employment

Survive a Lay off - Visit this website on surviving a layoff for more info
Find Resources for Job Seekers with Disabilities - GA's Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VR) provides a wide array of services to persons with disabilities as they prepare for gainful employment. From application to eligibility determination, assessment to job placement, VR professionals located in more than 50 offices statewide focus on assisting people with disabilities to work.

In addition, the following comprehensive web site resources provide information designed to help people with disabilities increase independence and achieve self-sufficiency by becoming full participants in the workplace.

Visit Job Seekers with Disability web page for more info
Obtain Information About An Employment Issue - The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) receives many inquiries for help with various employment issues; however, resolution of most workplace problems is the responsibility of several federal agencies.

BulletThe U.S. Department of Labor’s (USDOL) Wage and Hour Division enforces regulations related to the Fair Labor Standards Act (minimum wage, overtime pay, hours) and the Family Medical Leave Act.

BulletThe U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal statutes relating to discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act are also laws enforced by the EEOC.

BulletThe U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division is responsible for laws and regulations in Title II and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in all services, programs, and activities provided to the public by state and local governments and in "places of public accommodation."

It also coordinates and ensures consistent and effective enforcement of Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

More D.O.L. - Job Info:
BulletD.O.L. General Info
BulletJob Seekers Services
BulletJob Search Handbook
BulletDept of Labor Locations
BulletOne-Stop Centers Info
BulletOne-Stop Ctrs Locations
BulletONET Program
BulletVocational Rehabilitation
BulletWork Professionals Info
BulletOfficial GA DOL Website

BulletJob Fairs and Events

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