Welcome to www.n-georgia.com Georgia DOL Job Search Handbook , Chapter 4, Skills Identification "What can you do?" - All great job hunters define their skills and achievements concisely. Be ready to describe your skills and give examples of specific times when you used those skills.
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Organize your skills into a Skills Triangle
One of the most useful systems for organizing your skills is called the SKILLS TRIANGLE. It will help you assemble your skills and abilities into categories.
BulletTransferable Skills are common to a number of jobs and can be adapted to a particular employer's need.

BulletJob Content Skills are related to job-specific tools and tasks. They usually have a vocabulary of their own.

BulletSelf-Management Skills - Personality traits which help an employer decide if your temperament suits a particular job. They are clues to how well you may adapt to situations and solve problems. These are most important because very few employers offer training in these areas. Development of these skills is an individual initiative.

Identify Your Skills
BulletView and print a list of transferable skills. Choose at least 10 that apply to you. Only choose skills that you have a reasonable amount of experience performing. (You may add others to list.)

BulletView and print a list of self-management skills. Choose up to 10 that describe you. As before, feel free to make additions.

BulletView and print job content skills worksheet. Job Content Skills are unique to your experience and job objectives. They describe what you did on your last job. Describe your 10 most important skills performed on your last job.
Prove Your Skills
Now that you have accumulated an impressive list of skills, you must be able to offer concrete examples of how you have demonstrated these skills. This exercise is called Proof by Example, the easiest way to convince an employer to hire you.
Proof by Example Format
Identify the Skill
BulletHandle Money (cashier, retail sales, bank teller)
Present a Concrete Example
BulletDescribe where and for how long you used this skill
BulletOne year of experience at XYZ Department Store.
Qualify Example: Describe Circumstances
Bulletwho, what, when, why, how
BulletAssisted approximately 100 customers per day - calculated costs - processed credit card and cash payments.
Reinforce with Measurable Data
Bulletnumbers, dollars, percentages, volume per month, year, etc
BulletHandled approximately $3,000 per day = $750,000 a year.
Give Results...What Happened?
BulletHow did the company benefit from your skill?
BulletAccomplished monetary transactions with the lowest error rate of any employee.
BulletReceived only 2 complaints that year. After six months was promoted to Senior Cashier.
Using your top three skills from the previous lists, complete the Proof by Example worksheet. Imagine yourself as the employer. How will each worksheet help you determine if hiring the person with that skill would... Bulletincrease profits?Bulletdecrease turnover? or Bulletimprove productivity?

Once you have identified your skills and have practiced presenting them to the employer, the next step is to determine where your skills can be best used by selecting appropriate job goals.

Handbook Chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


More D.O.L. - Job Info:
BulletD.O.L. General Info
BulletJob Seekers Services
BulletJob Search Handbook
BulletDept of Labor Locations
BulletOne-Stop Centers Info
BulletOne-Stop Ctrs Locations
BulletONET Program
BulletVocational Rehabilitation
BulletWork Professionals Info
BulletOfficial GA DOL Website

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