Welcome to www.n-georgia.com Georgia DOL Job Search Handbook - Chapter 6 - Applications - Everything anyone ever wanted to know about you..and asked? - Applications come in all shapes, sizes. There are 2 purposes for an application. The purpose depends upon which side of the desk you are sitting.
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If you're the employer, you use the application to quickly screen out those people who don't fit your needs. If you are the job hunter, you use the application to get your foot in the door..to that all important face-to-face interview. With your purpose in mind, consider: In your absence, your application is you. Is it neat, accurate, easily read? Is it complete? What does it say about your work, skills and ability to follow instructions? Will it screen you in ... or out?

As an example...The Georgia Dept of Labor recently helped a large firm select 800 applicants who would be tested for 200 jobs. More than 7,000 applications were received! Based solely on their applications, 6,200 people were quickly screened out on the first out. Why?

Most of them....
Bulletfailed to follow application instructions
Bulletsubmitted an incomplete or unreadable application
Bulletrequested salary higher than that publicized
Bulletleft gaps in their work history
Bullethad been "fired" from several jobs
Bullethad an unstable work history
Bulletfailed to describe skills

This type of screening is not unusual.
Following are employers' most frequent complaints about the applications they receive:
BulletApplication completed sloppily: Could not read due to messy or illegible handwriting, Items crossed out, Crumpled up, Application incomplete (Do not say "See Résumé")
BulletName and address incomplete or unreadable
BulletIndicated "anything" for type of work sought
BulletWork history reversed; did not put most recent job first
BulletVague descriptions of skills, experience, and accomplishments
BulletLeft important questions blank. Gave no indication as to whether the blank was an oversight/omission or not applicable (N/A) to the individual.
BulletFailed to sign and date application
Working People
Helpful Hints for Completing Applications
BulletHave information readily available. Don't erase, scratch out or leave blanks.
BulletAnswer questions as fully as possible.
BulletLeave no blank spaces. For questions that do not apply to you, draw a line or write N/A.
BulletUse only positive information. If the response is negative or requires an explanation, write "will discuss in interview." Avoid negative words such as "quit" or "fired."
BulletBe prepared to use ink or pencil.
BulletBe completely honest. Misrepresenting yourself on a job application may result in being fired at a later date.
BulletRésumés do not substitute for applications unless an employer specifies this is acceptable.
BulletPick up two copies of the application if possible, one to practice on and one to complete and return.
BulletAsk if you can take the application home to complete. If this is not possible, use your Personal Data Book as a guide.
BulletWhen picking up or returning an application, make sure you are dressed and groomed appropriately - because the employer may interview you "on the spot" or may later ask the receptionist's impression of your appearance.
BulletDo not fold or crumple the application.
BulletRead the application completely before starting to fill it out.
BulletNote whether the application is to be completed in pencil or in a specific color ink.
BulletPrint the application neatly or type it. The neatness of your application is an indication of your work.
BulletMake sure you have a good message phone number.
BulletMake sure the address you use is one where you can be reached for several months. If you will be moving soon, give a message address or permanent address of a relative or friend.
BulletKnow specific jobs within the company for which you want to apply. Many applications that say "anything" are often thrown out.
BulletWhen writing down your work history, start with present or last employer first and work backward. Know address, telephone numbers, supervisors' names, dates of employment and a thorough job description saying what you did, to what, using what skills and tools or equipment. BulletUse action words in your job description, such as "supervised," "implemented," "increased," "operated.", etc.
BulletIn the "Salary Desired" block, ask for a salary that will match your experience, training, and education or write "will discuss" or "negotiable."
BulletSalary must also match what the employer is willing to pay.
BulletFor "Organizations and Associations," provide only non-controversial activities unless you are required to list all memberships.
BulletFor "Hobbies and Leisure Time Activities," avoid potentially controversial activities.
BulletFor "Honors or Awards," keep them recent and relevant.
BulletSign and date the application.
BulletRe-read it twice before giving it to the employer. Did you complete everything? Does it reflect you and your abilities?

Georgia DOL Handbook Chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


More D.O.L. - Job Info:
BulletD.O.L. General Info
BulletJob Seekers Services
BulletJob Search Handbook
BulletDept of Labor Locations
BulletOne-Stop Centers Info
BulletOne-Stop Ctrs Locations
BulletONET Program
BulletVocational Rehabilitation
BulletWork Professionals Info
BulletOfficial GA DOL Website

BulletJob Fairs and Events

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