This environmental education program for students of all ages, sponsored by the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division and the Georgia Chapter of the Safari Club International.
Teacher Educational Opportunities
The Mission of Project WILD is to assist learners of any age in developing awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment to result in informed decisions, responsible behavior, and constructive actions concerning wildlife and the environment upon which all life depends.
Project WILD Educator workshops are held throughout the state. Participants receive a set of activity guides which contain lively, hands-on, diverse and instructionally sound educational activities for all grade levels.
Project WILD Advanced Workshops - Project WILD Advanced Workshops - Project WILD offers advanced workshops to facilitators and educators who want to learn more about wildlife and the environment. These hands on programs provide in-depth information on specific wildlife topics to help you prepare detailed lesson plans. |
Project WILD Facilitator Workshops - Project WILD Facilitator Workshop - Project WILD is an award-winning environmental and conservation education program for learners of all ages. Workshop participants consist of teachers, local, state, and federal natural resource agency personnel, youth group leaders, nature center staff members, conservation group leaders, and other concerned individuals.
People who attend the Facilitator Workshop learn tips for successfully conducting their own Educator Workshops. Facilitators receive all the resources needed to plan and conduct their workshops, plus ideas for making their workshops fun and relevant. Two or more facilitators usually work together in offering these hands-on Educator Workshops. Our goal is to enhance quality wildlife education in Georgia.
Project WILD Educator Workshops - Project WILD Educator Workshops - This award-winning program provides a means for educators to teach important environmental and conservation concepts. Over 19,000 Georgia teachers have attended WILD workshops to investigate the teaching strategies of Project WILD, to experience exciting hands-on activities, and to learn more about wildlife and the environment.
At the one-day workshops, participants receive a set of supplementary activity guides which includes a basic guide and an aquatic activity guide. The Project WILD materials have been classroom tested and provide a framework to assist teachers in taking students from an awareness of the nature to responsible actions concerning the environment.
A small registration fee of $15 per participant covers the cost of the workshop. We have workshops scheduled throughout the state on a regular basis. Please contact the Project WILD office for information on a workshop near you. Also, we would be happy to schedule a workshop for a minimum of 15 participants. If proper arrangements are made, staff development credit can be given for teacher recertification. |
Your other option is to go through a Facilitator workshop and then you can train people to be WILD. Currently, over 300 volunteers are part of a network that conducts Project WILD workshops across Georgia. These volunteers are teachers, nature center personnel, natural resource professionals, youth group leaders, and other concerned people.
In order to become a Project WILD leader, you must attend a 16-hour training session to learn about the program in-depth and to practice workshop skills. After the training, we ask our volunteers to plan and conduct one workshop per year in their area, which amounts to a 2-day time commitment.
We have numerous other workshops to choose from as well.
Project WILD Teacher Resource Guide - Introduction - The purpose of this guide is to supplement the Project Wild (PW) curriculum with natural history information specific to Georgia. One of the strengths of the PW curriculum is the breadth of its scope, dealing with issues from around the United States. This general approach can also be a frustration however, if one is trying to tailor the PW curriculum to local habitats and species that students may encounter in Georgia.
This guide seeks to provide a basic introduction to key habitats and wildlife for each physiographic region within Georgia, and provide references for further study and field trip sites. Throughout, we have suggested links to local topics and PW activities that could be adjusted to add local information and flavor. We have accepted the prevailing scientific view of geologic time, though we are aware that other opinions exist regarding the dates of geologic events. We hope that those who disagree will still find this guide helpful. |
We hope this guide helps to generate a greater knowledge and appreciation of Georgias diverse and increasingly threatened habitats. It is only a deep concern and commitment to these wild places that will ensure their existence for future generations to enjoy.
Courses Include: Georgia Overview, Changing Habitats, Prehistoric Georgia, Recent Habitat Loss and Georgia's Physiographic Regions.
Telephone: 770-784-3059 - Address: Project WILD, Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, 543 Elliott Trail, Mansfield Georgia 30055 - Directions from Mansfield: GA Hwy 11 S for 2.7 miles; left on Marben Farms Rd. (Co. Rd. 229), follow signs. |

Charlie Elliott Center:
Charlie Elliott PFA Map
PFA Boat Ramps
Recreational Activities
Onsite Ed Programs
Teacher Ed - Project WILD

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GA Public Fishing Areas
Fishing Trip Checklist