This 6,400-acre center, managed by the Georgia DRN Wildlife Resources Division. It offers tons of fun activities and programs. This beautiful area is centrally located in the state in a beautiful wooded setting near Mansfield, Georgia. Easily accessible from Atlanta, Athens and Macon.
Archery Trail - Twenty 3-D targets of various sizes and ranges provide archers with a unique opportunity to practice. Rules are posted at the beginning of the trail, which is located adjacent to the 100-yard shooting range off Marben Farm Road. The archery trail is open 7 days a week during daylight hours.
Bird Watching - The wide range of habitats found at the CEWC provide critical habitat for many bird species, both common and rare. Over 190 bird species use these diverse habitats. Therefore, CEWC was designated an Important Bird Area in 2002 by the Atlanta Audubon Society. Bring your binoculars and field guides, and see how many species you can find! Bird Species Checklists are available at the Visitor's Center.
Camping - Camping is allowed only in the designated primitive campground area. No reservations are taken, and camping is free. Sites are available on a first-come first-served basis and each has room for a tent, a fire ring and a picnic table. Camping is limited to 14 consecutive days. Loaded firearms are prohibited in camping areas. No noise is allowed after 10 p.m. or before 7 a.m. in such a manner that may be heard by other campers. |
Shooting Range - 2 shooting ranges (50- & 100-yard) offer recreational shooters a chance to take aim! No license or fee is required for using range complex. Visitors are asked to sign in at range and abide by the posted rules. A DNR range safety officer can help you with any questions.
You must bring your own eye and ear protection, targets and target stands. The target should be high enough for the round to strike the backstop berm and not the ground, thereby reducing the chance of it skipping off and escaping the range. You must remove all of your trash before leaving the range complex, including spent brass and used targets.
Shooting Range hours are Monday - Saturday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Plans for building your own target stands are available at the Visitor's Center. All range rules are strictly enforced. A minimum $250 fine is imposed for shooting outside range operating hours.
Trails - Several miles of hiking trails provide the perfect opportunity to explore various habitats and to view wildlife. Try our 5.6-mile multiuse trail for horseback riding, non-motorized biking and hiking. We also offer a Driving Trail, which begins and ends at the entrance information boards (where brochures are available).
Hiking trail and multi-use trail maps are available at the Visitor's Center. Some trails may be closed due to construction. The multiuse trail also is closed during firearms deer hunts and from sunrise until 10 a.m. during archery and turkey hunts (click here for dates).
Dogs are allowed on trails but must be on a leash at all times. Horses are required to have current Coggins test results. |
Volunteer Opportunities - Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and contribute to the community. Regular and occasional help is needed with educational programs, kids fishing events, gardening, trail maintenance and more! In addition to the good feeling when helping others, CEWC volunteering brings other perks too - like a 10 percent discount on clothing and 5 percent on other items in our Gift Gallery! For more information on how to offer your time and talents, please call our Volunteer Coordinator at 770-784-3060.
Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center - Visitor's Center and Museum - This is the information "hub," so if you are not sure how to begin your outdoor adventures at CEWC - start here! WRD staff will give you advice on hunting, fishing, hiking, bird watching and other available fun activities. Perhaps you will want to take a stroll on one of the hiking trails, which start just outside the Visitor's Center or maybe you would like to take advantage of the multi-use trail off Marben Farm Road, which is available for hikers, bicyclists and horseback riders. Trail maps with regulations are available at the Visitor's Center or by clicking here.
If you prefer learning about nature while indoors, you will love the museum housed inside the Visitor's Center! Come experience Charlie Elliott's life through the collection of books, photographs and other hunting and fishing memorabilia that he donated. The museum also houses a replica of Charlie's actual den, interactive wildlife exhibits, a freshwater fish aquarium and a bird-viewing alcove (with supplied binoculars), which overlooks habitat ponds and a native plant garden. Children of all ages will enjoy playing detective with a CEWC Museum Scavenger Hunt worksheet while at the Visitor's Center.
Admission to the Visitor's Center and Museum is free, and self-guided groups are welcome (please give advance notice of large groups). Bring cash or your checkbook for our Gift Gallery though! You will love our reasonable prices on apparel, field guides, birdfeeders and other unique gift items!
Hours: Normal operating hours are Tuesday - Saturday from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. This building is closed on Sunday, Monday and State Holidays, but the CEWC property is always open.
Telephone: 770-784-3059 - Address: 543 Elliott Trail, Mansfield, Ga. 30055 - Directions from Mansfield: GA Hwy 11 S for 2.7 miles; left on Marben Farms Rd. (Co. Rd. 229), follow signs. |

Charlie Elliott Center:
Charlie Elliott PFA Map
PFA Boat Ramps
Recreational Activities
Onsite Ed Programs
Teacher Ed-Project WILD

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GA Public Fishing Areas
Fishing Trip Check List