The Telfair Museum of History was established to help celebrate the county's bicentennial in 2007. It is housed in the historic frieght depot. Also on site are a restored Railway Express truck and a caboose. |
The Museum's collection has display sections dealing with our historic agriculture, naval stores and timber occupations and the modes of transportation utilized to sustain those endeavors, Other displays deal with the county's communities, notable individuals/families, record setting hunting and fishing, indians native the area, early Spanish exploration, historic schools and cemeteries, and historic maps and documents.
Of particular interest is the time line display of early Spanish exploration on loan from Atlanta's Fernbank Museum and related information concerning the archelogical digs ongoing along the Ocmulgee River, the southern border of Telfair County. The museum's collection includes the original George Perry replica of the world record large mouth bass George caught at Montgomery Lake in Telfair in 1932. It remains the world record today.
A section of the collection is devoted to Major General James E. Livingston, USMC, a native son and Medal of Honor receiptient for heroic action in Vietnam. Also included in the section on notable individuals are Marion Folsom, member of Eisenhower cabinet and author of the Social Security Act of 1935, and the father and son - Gene and Herman Talmadge, both governors of Georgia.
The latest addition to the museum is our DVD area. Films available include one concerning Medal of Honor receiptients, a commercial DVD about the quest for the big bass, a National Geographis special about the latest attempts to break the large mouth bass record, and the most recent addition - the PAHS Telfair Historical DVD based on a series of 8mm films taken by Dr. Callahan.
Amenities: Parking - Location: On Forsyth Street, Helena Georgia - It is adjacent to the Savannah, Americus and Montgomerry Railroad. - Telfair Museum of Website |

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