Mulky Campground Camping & General Information |
Located along beautiful Cooper Creek, this recreation area activities include camping, hiking and fishing. Mulky Creek is nearby. The camping area is across the road from the creek. There are many scenic nature trails here.
Hikers enjoy the Yellow Mountain Trail, which follows an old logging road for 3.6 miles through forests of hemlock, pine and hardwood. Other hiking trails nearby include the 2.4-mile Mill Shoals Trail, and the Cooper Creek Trail, which is a 0.4-mile connecting trail.
Fishing in Cooper Creek and in Mulky Creek for stocked and wild trout is popular. Cooper Creek Scenic Area joins Cooper Creek Recreation Area and features 1,240 acres with hiking trails and fishing more tributaries of Cooper Creek. Good, hard-surface roads until you reach Forest Service Road 4; this is a gravel road and is crooked and steep in parts. Facility is accessible for the disabled; campsites are all on flat ground and restrooms are accessible. Drinking water is available. Camping fee required.
The Mulky Recreation Area is commonly associated with and is located within 1 mile of the popular Cooper Creek Recreation Area and features several of the same recreation opportunities.
Campground Camping: Water or electric hook-ups or dump station are only available in the campground during mid-March through early November. Call for specific dates. However, these facilities are unavailable the rest of the year. All of the sites are within easy walking distance of the creek. There are 11 campsites. They have the standard amenities such as a grill, picnic tables, lantern post, etc. 1 sit eis accessible for persons with disabilities. 1 vault facility accessible for persons with disabilities. |
Reservations - Reservations are not required. Occupancy of sites are on a first come, first serve basis.
Fees: Camping - Full Service through 11/14/16 is $6 per site per night. Call for dates. Limited Services with no water during 11/15/16 through mid-March is $6 per night.
Permit Info - Georgia fishing license.
Restrictions - 14 day stay limit and a maximum 2 vehicles per campsite. Dogs must be leashed at all times.
Open: Yearlong. Open 24 hours a day. Quiet hours 10pm – 6am.
Water: Drinking water is provided by faucets centrally located in the campground
Restroom Facilities: 1 Vault facility
Passes: The Interagency Senior and Access Passes and the Golden Age and Access Passports are accepted. These passes entitle the pass holder to a 50% discount on camping fees. |
More Recreation Activities |
River and Stream Fishing - Anglers may fish both Cooper Creek and nearby Mulky Creek for wild and stocked trout. Check State fishing regulations before fishing at www.gofishgeorgia.com.
Day Hiking - The trails listed below start in or near the Cooper Creek Campground. They are interconnected and off several short loop opportunities. These trails are for hiking only. All trails are blazed lime green.
These trails and the lengths are: Yellow Mtn. Trail - 3.2 miles. Connector Trail - 0.4 miles. Mill Shoals Trail - 0.9 miles. Shope Gap Trail - 0.6 miles. Cooper Creek Trail - 1.7 miles |
Contact, Directions & GPS Location |
USDA Forest Service, Blue Ridge Ranger District - Phone: 706-745-6928
Address: 2042 Highway 515 West, Blairsville, GA 30512 - Office hours: Monday - Friday at 8-12 & 1-4:30 pm
Directions: From Blue Ridge, GA take US 515 north for 4 miles to GA Hwy 60; turn right and go 2 miles to Morganton, GA. In Morganton, turn right on GA Hwy. 60 south for 15.5 miles. Turn left on Forest Service Road 4, go 5 miles.
From Blairsville, GA take US 515 south 2.5 miles to Kiutuestia Creek Road. Turn left, go 1.3 miles. Turn left on Old 76 for 100 feet and then turn right on Mulky Gap Road. Go 10 miles to Cooper Creek Campground
From Dahlonega, GA take GA Hwy. 60 north for 26 miles; turn right on Forest Service Road 4, go 5 miles.
Mulky Campground GPS Location - Latitude is 34.76175 and Longitude is -84.07409. |

GA US Forest Areas
Camping Hiking
Horseback Riding Trails
Fishing Canoe Trails
GA US Forest Wilderness
Wilderness Preparation
Canoe Safety Tips
Forest Safety Tips
GA U S Forest History
