General Lake Info |
Angling prospects are compiled by fisheries biologists and are based on sampling efforts of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR), knowledge of past fishing trends, angling experience and information provided by anglers and marina owners. For more information, contact the Wildlife Resources Division, Albany Fisheries office at 229-430-4256. |
Boat Ramps |
Georgia Veterans State Park’s operates two boat ramps, a marina and overnight facilities. There are also several Crisp county public boat ramps on the reservoir. Please see contact info below. |
Best Fishing Bets |
Largemouth Bass, Crappie, White Bass, Hybrid Bass, Striped Bass and Catfish |
Largemouth Bass - Biologist sampling efforts in 2008 indicated average largemouth bass catches to fall within the 12-16-inch range. Sampling also indicated an apparent strong 2004-year class of bass that will measure approximately 16 inches and weigh around 2 pounds in the spring of 2009. Visit the lake from March to June for the best largemouth fishing.
Technique - Early morning top water or spinnerbaits are productive. As the day progresses, Texas, Carolina-rigged, and trick worms and crankbaits usually produce fish.
Target - During the spring and early summer, target shallow water areas with many cypress trees, particularly in Limestone Creek, Gum Creek, Collins Branch, the upper end of Swift Creek and Spring Creek. At times fishing is excellent adjacent to grass beds, and many bass are caught from the numerous boat docks throughout the reservoir. Cool-season bass can be caught on 10-20 foot flats adjacent to river channels. |
Crappie - Both black and white crappie are present in Lake Blackshear. Catches usually average 9-11 inches in length, but larger fish are available.
Technique - Concentrate on shallow backwater areas using minnows and jigs while fish are spawning in March and April. During cooler months, live minnows fished deep (12-25 feet) on flats adjacent to channels or near bridge pilings produce fish. Similarly, fish move deeper again during late summer.
Target - Throughout much of the year, target deep water near structure such as river and creek channels, brush piles and bridge abutments. Spring anglers can also concentrate on boat docks and areas with cypress trees and other structure, including the mouth of Collins Branch, Spring Creek, Gum Creek, Boy Scout Slough and Cedar Creek. |
Hybrid Striped Bass - The hybrid population has improved since stocking efforts recommenced in 2002. Blackshear hybrids average 1-3 pounds, although the occasional 5-6 pounder is caught. Stocking usually averages 50,000 annually, and approximately 42,000 hybrid striped bass fingerlings were stocked during 2008.
Technique - Hybrids are very aggressive and can be caught with a variety of baits and methods. Similar to striped bass, live threadfin shad, topwater plugs, crankbaits and white jigs trolled in open water can be productive. Schooling fish can be caught with chicken livers, crayfish, and mussels as well.
Target - Hybrids are found schooling throughout the reservoir, but primarily in the lower reservoir (below the Highway 280 bridge). They are usually found in open water and most always near schools of shad, their primary forage. Good bets include the sunken island area near the dam, Swift Creek, and the sunken islands between Cedar Creek and Collins Branch. Keep an eye out for diving gulls, as this often is an indication of a school of feeding hybrids pushing threadfin shad toward the surface. Best fishing is mid November through late April. |
Striped Bass - The average striped bass in Blackshear is approximately 15 inches, but an occasional 20-pounder is caught. Biologists are participating in an ongoing effort to build the striped bass population in Lake Blackshear, and approximately 130,000 striped bass were stocked in 2008. Because they are so vulnerable to exploitation, fishing is closed in three springs in the lake (from May-October only).
Technique - Freeline or downline live threadfin shad, cast topwater plugs at feeding fish, or troll white jigs.
Target is easiest in Blackshear’s tailrace during April and May, but some good reservoir fishing areas area around Smoak Bridge, and in Gum Creek and Boy Scout Slough. Swift Creek east of Highway 300 and the lower end of the main reservoir are good areas to find stripers during late November through early March. |
Bream - Bluegill and redear sunfish make up the bulk of Blackshear’s bream fishery. Bluegill average 6-8 inches and shellcrackers (redear sunfish) average 7-9 inches. The first couple weeks of May usually offer good shellcracker fishing, as fish begin their spawning efforts. Bluegill fishing is generally in full swing by June, and good bream fishing usually continues until mid September.
Technique - Red wigglers usually work best for redear sunfish while crickets are ideal for bluegill, although both baits can catch either fish.
Target - Locate shallow water spawning beds during spring and early summer. Pay special attention to shaded areas with sandy bottoms as these are often preferred spawning areas. Fish can be caught throughout the reservoir during summer months when many anglers target weedline edges, weed pockets and sandy flats. |
Catfish - A good population of channel catfish are present in Blackshear, and most fish average 1-2 pounds. The lake's smaller population of flathead catfish average 5-10 pounds.
Technique - For channel catfish, use worms or blood and cheese baits. For flathead catfish, use live baits such as small bream, shad or suckers.
Target - Channel catfish can be found throughout the reservoir, but often are found on shallow flats adjacent to river and creek channels and off ledges adjacent to channels. Flatheads are targeted where river and creek channels meet and flats adjacent to such areas where they roam at night to feed. |
White Bass - Generally smaller than their striped bass or hybrid striped bass cousins, white bass average around 10 inches. However, when found, they are relatively easy to catch and provide excellent table fare.
Technique - White bass have relatively small mouths, butare very aggressive when feeding. Hook white bass on a variety of lures, including crankbaits, topwater baits, live shad, minnows, spoons, jigs and inline spinners.
Target - Popular areas include Boy Scout Slough, Gum Creek and Swift Creek, though the plentiful white bass can be found schooling throughout the reservoir. Best fishing is usually during early morning or evening, but they can be caught during all hours. The best time to fish is from late March to late November. |
Additional Info |
Anglers can help the spread of exotic species into Blackshear by not releasing bait into the reservoir and not spreading vegetation from another waterbody. Hydrilla is an exotic weed that has spread throughout nearby Lake Seminole and was introduced and is currently expanding in Walter F. George, likely from plant fragments on a boat trailer. Anglers can help avoid the spread of hydrilla to Blackshear by removing all plant fragments from their trailers and inspecting their livewells before entering the reservoir.
Special Area on the Lakes and Amenities:
Georgia Veterans State Park - 1308 acres. 77 tent, RV and trailer sites, pioneer camping, 10 cottages, 4 picnic shelters, 2 group shelters, swimming pool and beach, conference center, 18-hole golf course, and 1 mile of hiking trails. Also has a museum to celebrate American veterans and their contribution. The displays represent each conflict from the Revolutionary War to the Gulf War. Camping reservations and info: (800) 864-7275 |

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