Hurricane Shoals Park is one of the biggest surprises I have run across in Georgia. It is located in amazing Maysville Georgia. The entrance to and from this park is the Hurricane Shoals Covered Bridge. As you enter this park, get ready for a wonderful experience! Best of all, it's free! This fantastic park offers something for everyone of all ages. All your friends and family members are welcome to enjoy a great time here! There are a lot of amenities here. Pictures in this article will show some of these amenities.
Also, before you enter this park, you will pass by a historic heritage village. It features lots of historic buildings. You can walk through this village that's in a big, green open field.
Phone: 706-652-2370 - Address: 416 Hurricane Shoals Rd, Maysville, GA 30558
See a video of this park and the heritage village at the bottom of this page. |
Hurricane Shoals River flows through this magnificent park. See the children playing in the river next to the picnic table. These pictures were taken a few years ago when we had less rain than we have this year. When I revisted this park this year, the river was enormous! There was no way you could play in or cross over this river. Possibly as the rain eases in time, the joy of playing in this river will return. This year it's like going into class 4 white waters. It's fun to look at now. |
Hurricane Shoals Covered Bridge - Following is the interesting history of this bridge. There is a marker beside the bridge when you enter this park. It says:
On this site in 1882, the original Hurrican Shoals Covered Bridge was completed, spanning some 127 feet at a cost of a mer $1443. Vandals burned the old bridge in 1972, spoiling a community landmark and transporation corridor that had been in use for nine decades. Portions of the original footings are still visible today. Efforts to develop the historic shoals as a county park followed.
In 1994, work began to secure federal and local funding to rebuild the bridge and to construct a historic village. Key players included the Tumbling Waters Society, the Hurrican Shoals Covered Bridge Committee, DOT board member and Commerce native Steve Reynolds, and state representative and county commissioner Pat Bell. Dr. Cecil Hammond, a retired UGA engineer, developed the first working drawings for the new bridge. An "ISTEA" grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation provided the bulk of the funding for the project, which also included bike paths and related improvements. Private donations and county funds also assisted.
The work was completed under the leadership of the Jackson County Board of Commissioners, Harold Fletcher, chairman. On Sept. 22, 2002, the new bridge and bike paths were formally dedicated, marking the culmination of an eight-year effort. |
Another plaque about Hurricane Shoals Park history says:
Yamtrahoochee (Hurricane Shoals) in 1964 four Jackson County Industrialist: Morris Bryan, Jr. - Jefferson Mills; Jack Mackemson - Roper Pump; Charles McCollum - Blue Bell; and R. H. McEver - McEver Packing. Purchased the area known as Hurrican Shoals from Georgia Power, seeing the Shoal's potential for a recreational facility, these men formed the Hurricane Shoals Park Commission. In 1978 Hurricane Shoals park opened to the public. This marker is dedicated to the four industrialists whose vision made this park possible and available to Jackson County residents for generations to come. -2006- Tumbling Waters Society of Jackson County, Inc.
Later this week, a feature article about the historic town of Maysville will be published here. If you enjoy folk art, and dreaming about the days of yesteryear, this article will be for you. It will mainly have more pictures than words. As we all know, a picture says 1000 words!
Feast your eyes on pictures of the park, historic village and a cool video below. |
Thank you for sharing this fun experience. Now it's time to relax, get the popcorn and enjoy the Hurricane Shoals Park movie! Enjoy!  |
