The star theater seats 46 and a Spitz 512 planetarium projector which can display 1000 northern and southern sky stars on a thirty-foot diameter dome. |
Planetarium shows for school groups or other organizations are available by reservation Monday through Friday, depending on class schedule during the semester. Free public shows are presented during some Friday evenings from 8 to 9 pm while NGCSU is in session. Call before visiting.
The primary mission of the planetarium is to provide science education for students and the general public. It serves as an important educational resource for school systems in the North Georgia Area, and students from pre-school through college.
The star theater seats 46 and houses a Spitz 512 planetarium projector which can display 1000 northern and southern sky stars on a thirty-foot diameter dome. The effect is a realistic simulation of the night sky as seen from anywhere on the surface of the Earth. In addition, an automated cove lighting system and CRT projector can provide special effects to lift you into the solar system on voyages to the planets.
Doors open at 7:30 p.m. for seating, and shows begin promptly at 8 p.m. The Spring Semester shows are presented every Friday through May 5. Shows for school groups or other organizations are available on Thursday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
For group reservations, please e-mail Dr. Jones at: jjones@ngcsu.edu. There is a fee for school groups and other organizations by reservation.
The Coleman Planetarium information line at 706-864-1471 will have updates on any special or unscheduled events at the planetarium. Please do not leave a message on the planetarium line, its primary use is for announcements.
The planetarium is located in the Health & Natural Sciences Building which is situated one block west of the main campus on Sunset Dr. The planetarium is located on the second floor of the atrium section behind the large lecture hall. Take the long corridor with astronomical art and displays just to the left of room 232 (large lecture hall), turn right at the end to find the double door entrance for the planetarium (room 234). |
NGCSU - North Georgia Astronomical Observatory |
Weather permitting, we invite visitors out to the North Georgia Astronomical Observatory (NGAO) for viewing through the 16" Boller & Chiven research grade telescope. Directions will also be provided at the end of the Planetarium show. Call the planetarium information line at 706-864-1471 for any updates about special events. Please don't leave a message on the Planetarium line as it is intended only for special messages about upcoming shows or cancellations.
School and other group shows may be reserved this spring semester primarily on Thursdays between 10 am and 2 pm except for Thursday, March 19th (Spring Break). For more information about reserving free planetarium shows for school or other groups, e-mail Dr. Jones at jjones@ngcsu.edu.
Observatory and Planetarium Info: The NGAO is open to students any clear night Monday through Friday while classes are in session. The observatory is open Monday through Thursday beginning 7:30 pm EST during standard time (9:30 pm EDT during daylight savings time). The general public and students are also invited to come out on Friday nights after the planetarium show for Observatory Public Education Nights (OPEN), weather permitting. The Friday OPEN program always begins at 9:30 pm during daylight or standard time. |
Contact, Address, Directions & Website Link |
Phone: 706-864-1470 - Address: North Georgia College & State University, 82 College Circle, Dahlonega Georgia 30597 - Directions: NGAO is located approximately 4 miles west of Dahlonega off of highway 9,
0.4 mile past the junction with Hwy 52. Visit the George Coleman Planetariium website here for more information. |

Georgia Planetariums & Observatories
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