History and Library Info |
This library has info on the US migration routes and is the main repository for Scottish clans. Check out the Catherine M. Bryant Veterans History Project. Join a free geneology study group.
The Odom Library was made possible by a bequest from Ellen Ashby Payne Odom. Mrs. Odom was a Trustee of the Moultrie- Colquitt County Library and very interested in genealogy. She was an accomplished musician as well as an active leader in the Georgia 4-H program.
Her interest in genealogy led to her membership in the Huguenot Society and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. She coauthored two books: A History of the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library and Colquitt County Confederate Soldiers.
At her death, it was revealed that she had bequeathed the proceeds of the sale of her land and home to the library for the purpose of building a genealogy library in Moultrie. Today, the Odom Library operates on the interest from her estate. The endowment is managed by a Moultrie banking firm. The Odom Library is governed by a Board of Trustees. |
The October 2007 issue of the Georgia Public Library
Service newsletter highlighted the Ellen Payne Odom Genealogical Library as one of the three libraries in Georgia that reign as "the Georgia public library system's genealogical crown jewels." The Odom Library, "founded a scant 17 years ago, is a relative newcomer to the spotlight. Prior to 1990, we had a small Georgia history collection -- maybe 2,000 volumes.”
When Mrs. Odom's bequest of $1 million was received, the south wing of the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library, which became the Odom Library, was built to house several collections, including the Emmett Lucas Collection. Mr. Lucas of Southern Historical Press was planning to retire, and he was interested in selling his collection about the southeastern United States, the Civil War and migration routes west.
In addition to these collections, the library is perhaps most famous for its collection concerning Scottish genealogy. According to Ann Glass, genealogy clerk, the Odom Library is the archival home for more than 130 Scottish clan organizations, and houses many rare books including an original edition of Scottish Perrage, as well as The Highland Papers, and several Gaelic Bibles. Genealogist Irene Godwin continues to expand the library’s already extensive collection. This year her emphasis has been on adding to the library’s collection of newspapers on microfilm with the acquisition of the early editions of papers published in Southwest Georgia.
Free admission, but donations are accepted. |
Research Assistance |
Library employees who staff the Odom Library will assist patrons in locating the information they
need. Remote user research and reference questions must be in writing. We do accept postal and email requests for information. Questions should be direct and include as much specific information as possible. We are glad to do lookups but cannot do in-depth lineage research. All queries are given the same consideration and will be answered in as timely a manner as possible. In-house library patrons always receive first consideration. |
The Catherine M. Bryant Veterans History Project |
The Librarians are collecting information about veterans as an adjunct to the general genealogy information in the Library. Materials include personal information forms supplied by veterans or their families, memorabilia, and books covering the history of various conflicts and Spence Air Base. Originally, only veterans who were residents of Colquitt Country or who were stationed at Spence Field were included.
However, the project has expanded to include all veterans. The Veterans History Project was named in honor of Catherine Bryant, who began her career with the library in 1944 and took over
the project. A project form may be obtained from the genealogy librarian or online. |
Free Genealogy Study Group |
Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month. Meet & Greet at 6:15 pm. Meeting begins at 6:30 pm in the Willcoxon Auditorium. All skill levels are welcome. |
Amenities, Hours and Fees |
Parking, Public Restrooms, Accessibility for mobility-impaired - Open 8:30 AM—5:30 PM Monday—Saturday and Closed on major holidays. |
Phone and Address and Website |
Phone: 229-985-6540 – Address: 204 Fifth St., Moultrie, GA 31768 |

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