Best Fishing Bets |
Trout, black bass, bream and catfish |
Conasauga River Fishing Tips |
Trout - Home to rainbow, brown and native brook trout. Rainbows and browns range from 6-14 inches with the occasional brown trout topping 20 inches. Brook trout up to 8 inches can be found in the headwaters and smaller tributaries at elevations typically above 2,500 feet.
Technique - Match the hatch for fly anglers. Spin casters offer worms or try small silver, white or black in-line roostertail spinners. Check state fishing regulations for artificial lure restrictions in portions of this river and its tributaries. Trout are not currently stocked, so an element of stealth is required for consistent catches of these wild trout.
Target - The best trout fishing opportunity on the Conasauga and its tributaries, is generally found upstream of the rivers confluence with Little Rough Creek in the rugged Cohutta Wilderness Area. |
Catfish - Blue and channel cats account for the bulk of the catfish population, with fair numbers of moderately sized flatheads available. Blue cats average 20 inches and 2.5 pounds, while channel cats typically measure around 14 inches and 1 pound. Flathead catfish average around 20 inches with occasional catches topping 30 inches and weighing 20-30 pounds.
Technique - Channel cats can be coaxed to hand with fresh cut baits, chicken livers, and catalpa worms. For flatheads and blue cats, use live fish to draw strikes from larger individuals.
Target - For blues and flatheads, focus efforts in the lower section of the river below Highway 76. For channel cats, target the lengthy area from the Tennessee state line downstream to the city of Calhoun. |
Black Bass fishing is considered fair with spotted, largemouth and redeye bass available. Spots comprise the majority of the black bass population. Most bass are under a pound, so consider fish greater than 2-3 pounds a good catch.
Technique - Drift fishing live minnows or hellgrammites are certainly good choices. Jigs, shallow running hard baits (like rapalas) and buzz or spinner baits will allow you to cover more water in search of hungry bass. Fly-fishing with minnow imitations or dry terrestrial insect patterns also have their place in an angler’s arsenal.
Target - Black bass will strike nearly anywhere on the river below the state line. Look for downed trees, undercut banks and rock outcrops with good water flow nearby. |
Redear sunfish, bluegill and redbreast sunfish are available to anglers. Lesser-known species like spotted, longear and green sunfish are relatively abundant in the river. Expect average bream around 5-plus inches with some in the 8 to 9-inch range.
Technique - Artificial flies, small jigs and live bait such as crickets or worms, fished in river pools near fallen trees, should produce a variety of bream species.
Target - You can find bluegill and redear sunfish throughout the river below the Tennessee state line. Redbreast and longear sunfish are concentrated in the narrow waters upstream of Hwy 76 between Dalton and Chatsworth. |
More Fish Species - Freshwater drum, smallmouth buffalo, carp and a variety of suckers also are common in the river. Drum are likely the largest and most abundant of this group and average 12 inches. Some thicker drum topping the 20-inch, 5-plus pound mark also are available.
Technique - Try small jigs, live crawfish, cut mussels or shrimp fished on the bottom to entice a drum strike.
Target - Concentrate on the “runs” of the river, which are generally 2-3 feet in depth at normal flows, with relatively swift water flow. Fish runs along undercut banks and near fallen trees where actively feeding drum are often found. |
Note: Lake sturgeon, once resident to the Coosa River system, were eliminated from the river in the 1960s. With improving water conditions, stocking efforts were started as a means of re-establishing this large native species. Since 2002, more than 80,000 fingerlings have been released into the Coosa basin. If accidentally caught, release sturgeon immediately. For deep-hooked fish, cut the line close to the hook to increase survival chances after release. To aid in this long-term restoration process, please contact the Wildlife Resources Division, Calhoun Fisheries office at 706-624-1161 if you catch or see a sturgeon. |
Boat Ramps |
WRD operates one boat ramp near the mouth of the Conasauga River, providing access to the lower portion of the river. Click here for more information on WRD-operated ramps. Otherwise, public boat access is restricted to a few road crossings and private boat ramps found over the course of the river. Use extreme caution navigating anywhere on the river as shoals, rocks and debris jams are common. |
Contact Info |
Wildlife Resources Division, Calhoun Fisheries office - Phone: 706-624-1161 |
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