See an overview of the area’s history, from rare Native-American artifacts over 8000 years old to Desert Storm memorabilia.
One of the first things one sees when entering the Museum of Colquitt County History is a display of arrow heads, blades, drills and other points that would have been used by the American Indians of the area. In this display there are artifacts that date back 8,000 years.
While still in the Lobby there you will see a display of Face Jugs. This art form dates back to the 1700's when potters working on a production basis would grow tired of making the same jug over and over would take a whimsical side step and create, what some people refer to as the ugliest jugs in the world, Face Jugs. Some experts in the field of pottery state that the "Face Jugs" have their roots with early Black Americans, who created them as Voodoo objects. These were given as gifts, often filled with "spirits", to friends.
As you enter the "Early History Room", directly across from the front door, a display case with pottery chards from the area comes into view. These chards date as far back as 1,500 years. While the pottery pieces in the collection were found in South West Georgia, we know that some of them are from mid and south Florida. The pottery was apparently used as trade items among the American Indians. |
The American Indians in this area didn't live in Teepees, but rather in "houses" constructed of native materials found in South Georgia. Using cypress poles and a variety of covering (palmetto shown here) they built houses to protect themselves from the elements and to offer some relief from snakes and other vermin. The Chickee shown here is located in the Early History Room of the Museum, and shows what typical Chickee would have looked like in the area. It is somewhat smaller than the actual house would have been. Records show that the Chickee's would have been approximately 8'-9' wide and up to 18' deep.
As the tour continues through the Early History Room, you see a collection of artifacts that were found near an abandon village. Some items displayed are reproductions of the era. Overlooking this display is an artist depiction of the "Green Corn Dance" which celebrated the planting/harvest seasons.
As you leave the Early History Room and enter the 1800-1865 Room, the most prominent item on display is the plaque of names of the 70+ men who left Colquitt County to serve the Confederacy and died during the War Between the States. While many died from wounds, many more died from disease and privation. This is the only place in the County where these brave men are publicly recognized. The Five Flags of the Confederacy are shown here, (from left to right): The Bonny Blue, (sometimes referred to as the Secession Flag), the First National, the Battle Flag (over the memorial), the Second National and then the Third National. Included in this room are descriptions of each unit that served from the County along with a listing of the battles they were involved in.
In the Confederate section, many other flags are shown including replicas of The Cherokee Braves, The Hardee Corps and Nathan B. Forrest Flag. Several original pictures of Confederate Veterans are in this room, along with a photo of the last Reunion of Confederate Veterans of the County. Many original artifacts and replicas from the era are also on display in the room.
Visit the museum's website for more display information and pictures.
Call for hours. Free admission, but donations are accepted. |
Amenities |
Parking, Public Restrooms, Accessibility for mobility-impaired |
Phone, Address and Website |
Phone: 229-890-1626 Address: Fourth Ave, and Fifth St., Moultrie Georgia 31776 - Museum of Colquitt History Website |

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